High Performance Microphone Preamplifier

I build this primarily to use with my Tascam DR-40, since it doesn’t have enough gain for dynamic microphones, and it turned out great. I have couple of boards and components bundled together as a kit. Battery not included.

If anyone is interested, drop me a line.

Op-amp is: AD8648 ARUZ
High Gain about 43dB, set by a trimmer.
Balanced input, unbalanced output.
Very simple, mainly for field use. Very low battery consumption below 6mA.
SNR about 94dB
Trimmers are bottom mouneted now.
Green LED to indicate ON/OFF.

Audio Player


2014-05-18130123 2014-05-18125426 2014-04-15125545 2014-04-15125512 2014-04-15125457

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